Need Help?
Imagine being able to...
- Believe in yourself
- Speak up to others
- Transform your life
Coaching can take you
through all the steps!
Do you need support and guidance to become more
self-confident and assertive?
Have you tried to make changes — to be more assertive and self-confident — but you just haven’t been able to make it stick? Have you read books or taken courses, but no matter what you did, you found it difficult to get the outcomes you desire?
If so, 1-on1 coaching is a great way to empower you with the knowledge and skills you need for personal change. This includes making positive changes in your self-talk as well as taking actionable steps towards achieving them!
You don't have to figure it out on your own. I will be your friend and cheerleader. Either over Zoom or over the phone, your choice.
Get in touch below, and we can get started right away.
Hi! I'm Vivian Harte. I've had lots of experience helping people become more assertive and self-confident:
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